Saturday, December 25, 2010

Boxing Day . . . so quiet

Yesterday was most enjoyable, spent with family and friends. We had breakfast at home then opened our presents. Adrian gave me a gorgeous garnet ring. No, not the engagement type, for those of you who may be wondering. We are very happy as we are. My boys went their seperate ways to see other family and we headed off to pick up Mum and have lunch at my sister's place. Only 30cm of water over the road to her house so no problems there. The food and company was the best, as always. Unfortunately, I forgot to take photos this year . . . better luck next time. After taking Mum back home we were all here for a fairly quiet night. Funny, we were all complaining about how much chocolate we'd eaten and how much was still in the fridge. What I wouldn't have given for a salty packet of chips last night! I'm not complaining, life is good.

There are some young lads still asleep here so I decided to finish pinning my quilted bag. This is my first foray into quilting since my oldest was a baby. Back then I made a very simple quilt for his cot and the person helping me did most of the work. I haven't made much progress so far but now that Christmas is over, I should have a bit more time. I swear this thing is pinned to within an inch of it's life! I ran out of pins and had to buy some more. The next stage is the sewing, wish me luck. I can see that I will have to get a few tools of the trade if I keep this up. The first one will be a nice, long ruler.

At least I took a photo of our tree, decorated by our temporary resident, Sam.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cloudy and raining...

Here's a couple of photos of the spoilt dogs. One from last year, taken on a bright sunny day when the weather was hot and dry. I'd forgotten how small the plants were then and how dead the grass was. The second photo was taken this morning and the dogs were looking out but not wanting to venture out in the rain. Someone once said to me "There seems to be dogs in every photo taken at your house". I think they're right!